This is a shot of Lake Chapala,the largest lake in Mexico with the Sierra Madre in Background which comes all through the US and starts in Canada as the Rockies! This is in the Historic Downtown of Guadalajara,which has many Plazas'(Squares or Parks) Feliz Navidad on the building(Happy Christmas) They celebrate heartily here with all the families participating and enjoying the fiestas! (festivals) This is a shot from my room(15th floor) of only a part of Guadalajara! This is a shot of the teatro (theater)one of the oldest in Guadalajara,built inthe 1500's. This is the Rotunda that was built for the people born in Guadalajara that went on to make something of themselves for the Mexican people. The wording on the Rotunda says "Jalisco A Sus Hijos Esclarecidos" (Jalisco To Their Children Honored) Some were buried here in a vault above ground inside the Rotunda.